LilKaylie Reviews

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Kayla's Pill Pockets

So even though this site is/was to be a review site, I thought that I would post this online and that maybe this could help others.

Kayla, being the nosey yet loved furbaby she is... has allergies as I mentioned here. With this being said, she takes four Benadryl daily: two in the morning and another two at night, as well as her daily fish oil pill. We buy the Kirkland Signature products from Costco in bulk. The generic Benadryl is the "Allergy Medicine" (600 pills for $4.49) and the fish oil is 1000mg (400 pills for $9.49.) Since Kayla needs two bottles of allergy medicine and one of the fish oil it's $20 before tax/coupon, not too bad for a year supply, right? Getting her to take them is another story entirely!

Kayla HATES pills, with a passion. I can't sneak them into her kibble because she doesn't eat on a consistent basis. Since she's the only dog we have so she can eat when she feel likes it, and has been this way since she came home. We did try putting food down at certain times of day, yeah that didn't work either, she just wouldn't eat for a couple of days at a time. Now I just leave it out. She'll eat when she's ready.

Lucky for us, we found a great blogger that shared her own recipe for homemade pill pockets. This recipe allowed me to both save money as well as make the pockets fresh for Kayla and I know what's in her pockets, and I love this idea. Becky's original recipe is to the left, but we ran out too quickly, so I made four times the batch. At that time I was working on losing weight, so I had a digital scale on the counter at all times and I found that much easier to measure by, so I converted everything to ounces.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your ingredients don't include Xylitol.
It's EXTREMELY toxic to dogs!
  1. I put the mixing bowl on top of the digital scale and measure out the milk.
  2. If you're going to add in the applesauce I do it now. It's just one tablespoon.
  3. Next, I measure the flour in a clean bowl.
  4. Last I'll do the peanut butter, just because it's sticky and it's harder to get out of the bowl. You can help yourself by using some non-stick spray and coating the bowl before you measure it out. 
  5. Mix together well in either a stand mixer, using a spatula, or even with your hands. You don't want the texture to be too moist, if it's clinging to your hands you need more flour. Add sparingly, because if you overdo it then the pocket will be difficult to cling to itself. 
When you're happy with your consistency I will add it to an airtight container and leave it in the fridge til next use. The middle and right side recipes typically last me seven to ten days on a 50lb dog getting 3 pills a day (one large fish oil then two more sets of Benadryl.) When I know I'm going run out soon I make a new batch, preferably the day before I need it. The consistency will change, very slightly, but if it's too light and fully you may have difficulty getting the pill to close up on itself. 

I roll it into a ball between my hands then I use my thumb to flatten it out a bit to make a blanket for the pill. I will roll the sides up over it making sure to pinch it together at the top, or it will try to unravel itself and my dog will eat the pocket but not the pill. She's a smart one I tell you.

After a while, Kayla got bored with her new morning treat (pill pocket) so I looked around the kitchen to see what ingredients we had and decided to add some applesauce. Now depending on the consistency of the applesauce you use, you may need more flour or less, or you could easily reduce the milk, whatever works for you. We use the Buyers Choice Applesauce, which is a WinCo brand (my husband works there! Go WinCo!) but if you don't have one in your local area, I recommend Musselman's too.

This morning Kayla did the chew, chew, spit out the pill. It's time to find a new pill pocket recipe. I'll let you know if I come up with anything.

Our pup eats Taste of the Wild: Pacific Stream if anyone is curious. The vet recommended that she have a fish based kibble because it's less likely they'll have an adverse reaction. Apparently, it's a semi-common thing for dogs to have some type of allergic reaction to beef, chicken, pork; or so I was told. Anything to help manage her allergies is worth it!


DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on, or purchase, one of the product links I may be eligible for a commission. By clicking these links I promise you will never pay more when buying a product through my link. Kayla and I thank you for your support! — LilKaylie

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Global Store Precision Digital Food Scale

Very nice small scale

I already have a digital scale I use for our food but I wanted a second so I could use it for my DIY concoctions. I’m constantly mixing up cleaning supplies, body butters, eye creams and other thing so and I didn’t want to have to worry if I got a little bit of my mixtures on the one I used for food. Lucky for me this scale is exactly what I needed!

Batteries included! Which means you can unbox this and use it immediately.

SIZE: It’s small in size but gets the job done. I believe that the item itself is the same size as the smaller box of tissues.

PACKAGING: Excellent! It came in a cardboard box with cling wrap over the exterior cover, the tray cover, and on the scale itself. The cling wrap on the scale was marred but it didn’t matter because it revealed a clean scratch free surface once removed. The exterior cover on my unit had scratch marks on the side of it, but it won’t affect the performance at all.

FUNCTIONALITY: Excellent again. I actually like the fact this is slightly smaller, because I’m not weighing anything over 1lb / 16oz anyway, and even that is few and far between. I had no problems switching the settings from different measurement types, but I’m going to end up sticking with ounces specifically.

I’m going to put more cling wrap on the scale itself to prevent anything from sticking to the surface. I know it’s probably silly but there were bubbles in it so I’d prefer to have none.

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Here's the link to purchase the item, if you're interested: Global Store Precision Digital Food Scale

DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on, or purchase, one of the product links I may be eligible for a commission. By clicking these links I promise you will never pay more when buying a product through my link. Kayla and I thank you for your support! — LilKaylie

iProvèn Forehead & Ear Thermometer

Best thermometer I’ve ever used!

My husband is a horrible sickie, when he’s ill he’s as temperamental as a toddler so having him sit still to take his temperature is a pain. The thermometer we have at home you’ve got to put a sleeve on it, wait sixty seconds and hope it read right and if it didn’t you’ve got to re-take your temperature. I’m confident it wasn’t reading right so I needed a more realistic option.

This item arrived JUST in time. My cousin came to town and brought his 6-month-old baby with him and unfortunately he was running a temperature. He’d finally settled down and stopped screaming and we were walking on eggshells trying not to wake him. It was the dreaded time to take his temperature, so as the baby gently dozed off we were able to do it with just the press of a button. Luckily enough the temperature was very slight so we just continued to monitor him til morning when we could get him to the doc.

This thermometer already comes with batteries, so right off the bat, you won’t have to scramble looking for them when your loved one is ill. I’m the kind of person that would pull out the batteries when the device is not in use, but I found that I accidentally press the ear button consistently when trying to get the case off so I said forget it.

The carrying case is okay, but I'm not fond of it so I personally will not be using it.

This is a no-fuss thermometer that every household should have. With a 60 day guarantee and it only taking a single second to read the temperature of your loved one I strongly encourage you to buy this item.

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Here's the link to purchase the item, if you're interested:

DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on, or purchase, one of the product links I may be eligible for a commission. By clicking these links I promise you will never pay more when buying a product through my link. Kayla and I thank you for your support! — LilKaylie