Welcome to my blog! It is centered around my Amazon Reviews. I promise to always offer you HONEST reviews each time you come to see me. You can also find me at https://www.facebook.com/LilKaylie.Reviews

Welcome to LilKaylie's Blog!

Hi All,

I'm Sabrina, AKA: LilKaylie. I'm 35 years old and I've been married to Shaun, who's an amazing hubby, for ten years in January 2017! We have a beautiful 2-year-old Sheepadoodle, which is a sheep dog and poodle mix, and her name is Kayla. She's my furbaby, def a mama's girl.

I'm a customer service rep and I've been in this field since I was sixteen, so nineteen years now! I work from home due to having severe fragrance allergies*. Weird, right? Tell me about it!

When I'm not busy at work taking phone calls I enjoy reading, watching movies, listening to music. I try my hand at DIYs but depending on the day they may or may not work for me. I'm also doing a LOT of Amazon Reviews! So I thought this would be a great place to get my reviews all in one place.

*Fragrance Allergies: Anyone else suffer from this? I get asthma attacks, hives, migraines. Let me know your experiences if you have them. While I know I'm not alone in this suffering I only know one other individual with this sensitivity and Dad isn't nearly as bad off as I am. If you're reading this thanks for sharing Dad!

I'd like to thank you for coming to visit me and I hope you enjoy your stay. Come back often as I'm always posting more reviews!


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